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The stripping process involves dipping or submerging in a tank of the solution to soften the material covering the item. Hand brushing whilst in the tank is followed by a sluice down with high pressure warmed water.
The item is then further cleaned by hand with wire wool, sugar soap or similar, followed by another sluice down.
In normal weather conditions, the item is quite dry within a few hours and ready for repainting or polishing immediately.
Unlike the more common cuastic (or alkaline) stripping process, COLOREX does NOT:
- Blacken cedar, red pine etc.
- Attack animal glues (common in older pieces)
- Split, warp or distort hardwoods
- Bleach or discolor any timber
- Require neutralizing to counter long term leaching
- Require long drying periods
- Attack metals (lead lighting, door furniture and all metals remain unaffected)